Communicable Disease


It is through a cooperative effort that we provide a healthy and safe school environment for all students and school employees. Students who are assessed by the nurse, administrator, or designee and are determined to have a possible communicable disease, show signs and symptoms of illness, or sustain an injury requiring medical attention are to be dismissed from school. The following guidelines are provided:

•Students desiring to leave school sick must first be seen by the nurse or health care provider and follow their recommendations, otherwise the absence may be considered unexcused.

•The parent/legal guardian is the initial contact.

•If the initial contact is unable to be reached, persons authorized on the student’s demographic information sheet will be contacted.


Parents are encouraged to observe their children for signs of disease or illness.  Students identified (but not limited to) with the following symptoms  must be excluded from school until symptom-free for 24 consecutive hours without the use of fever-reducing medication:

  • fever

  • scaly patches on the scalp or skin

  • diarrhea

  • open or draining sores or lesions

  • vomiting

  • colored discharge from eyes or nose 

  • undiagnosed rash

  • intense itching red eye(s)                            

  • presence of lice or nits (Students may be sent home for the presence of head lice/nits at the discretion of the nurse/health aide.  Students may return to school after being treated at home and then re-checked and released by the school nurse/health aid.)



Students excluded from school for reason of communicable disease may be readmitted by one of the following methods:  

•the student must be fever-free and symptom-free for 24 consecutive hours without the use of fever-reducing medications.
•documentation from the child’s physician states that the child may return to school and they are not infectious.
•documentation for readmission is issued by the local health authority.
