A Letter From the Superintendent:
It is my privilege to welcome back our Wildcat Family to what I anticipate will be another awesome year at Rains ISD! I hope that our youngest Wildcats who will be entering pre-kindergarten and kindergarten all the way to our oldest Wildcats who will be entering their final year as the Class of 2022 are all as excited about the upcoming year as I am.
Last year was probably the most challenging year that I personally have had as an educator. I know that it was also challenging for our staff, families, and students. Again, thank you for all of your help in working through those many challenges. While COVID-19 is not gone and we do anticipate being able to do some of the “normal” school things that were done pre-COVID, please bear with us again if adjustments must be made throughout the school year.
With all of the anxiety and uncertainties that COVID brought the district, there was also innovation and creativity. We found that some of the new procedures and activities worked well, so you will see us continuing some of them. Our goal is to provide a safe, quality educational experience for everyone. As always, we will achieve this by working together.
Last year I wrote the following: We will work every day to provide “a safe and innovative learning environment that nurtures a growth mindset, offers resources and opportunities that maximize each student’s potential, and inspires life-long learners in an ever-changing world.” As I write this welcome letter, that statement does not change. That is the mission of Rains ISD. It must always stay at the forefront of what we do as a district and community.
We will continue to pursue excellence in everything we do. In doing that, we will work with our community to build lasting partnerships. We continue to encourage communication among all stakeholders. Relationships and communication are the building blocks of success. Challenges will arise, and we will face them together. There will be growth, and there will be successes. We will celebrate, evaluate, and “Be Better Every Day”.
As I begin another year, I pray that you are all excited and ready. We are a family. We are a team. We are Rains!
Jennifer Johnson, Superintendent
A Letter From the Elementary Principal
WOOT WOOT! Row the Boat!!
We are set to Read to Succeed this year. When students come to Rains Elementary they are getting the best education and best environment for them to be successful. Your student will respect themselves, others, and learn to be responsible for themselves.
Be flexible and able to change. We are still following several COVID 19 policies that created a very safe and healthy environment. We are still following several local, state, and federal guidelines.
STAY CONNECTED. You need to be as informed as possible about what we are doing and how things are going at school. We are going to use the following media approaches to keep you connected:
Google Classroom
Teacher Website
Campus Website
Campus Facebook
Campus Marquee
Campus Skyward Announcements
Video releases
The First and Second Day of School Drop Off. Our first day will be Wednesday, August 18th. Our school hours are 7:30 to 3:30. The doors open for students at 7:15 am for bus and parent drop off. Both Wednesday and Thursday you will be able to walk your child to their classroom. All parents must be out of the building by 8:15 both days so that we can have as much of a normal start to these first two days as possible.
The Third Day and afterwards. We will utilize our parent drop off system that will allow for more students to be entering at the same time. This drop off system will be in place all year. Parents and guardians stay in your vehicles as you will not be able to walk you student into the school to their classroom after the first two days.
The First Day of School Pick Up. Our school day officially ends at 3:30 pm. We will be loading using three lanes and going back as far as end of the building. We will load this whole group and then release once all three lanes are loaded. Once released everyone will exit the school and turn right. No left turn this year to help with traffic control and the extra number of vehicles picking up students. As lines are exited we will fill the lines up again and do another 3 lane large load. Parents and guardians stay in your vehicles. We are going to be as safe as possible. This process worked excellent last year and allowed us to have students safely in their cars within 15 to 25minutes. Be patient for the first week.
Lunchroom Safety. In the lunchroom every grade level will have their own lunch period. There will be no microwaves available for heating meals. Students will be able to bring a cold lunch or have warm items in thermos containers. COVID 19 seating process will still be followed. There will be NO visitors for lunch at this time.
Early Pick Up. Anyone picking up a student early must do so by 2:30pm. We are moving it back a half hour this year because things went so smoothly with everyone calling ahead.
Bill Morgan, Elementary Principal
A Letter From the Intermediate Principal
Welcome to Rains Intermediate School! The school year is right around the corner! We are so excited to have all of our kids back in the building and engaged with our teachers and staff members. The talents of each student combined with the dedication of our teachers and staff will allow us to excel this year and beyond.
We will continue to work hard to ensure that Rains Intermediate School will be recognized as a school that sets students and teachers up for success.
To better serve the community and all stakeholders, the following are ways to stay informed about Rains Intermediate events:
✓ Campus Facebook Page (Rains.Intermediate.School)
✓ Campus Website (www.RainsISD.org)
✓ Newsletters
✓ Remind app (@risparent)
The first day of school is Wednesday, August 18, and school hours are 7:45-3:30. Classrooms will open at 7:40 for the first two days of school, August 18 and 19, so that families can walk their children to classes. We will continue to be a closed campus for all lunches. You are more than welcome to drop off any lunches for your student at the Intermediate office.
We look forward to seeing you, and we appreciate your support. Go Wildcats!
J.C. Vance, Intermediate Principal
A Letter From the Junior High Principal
On behalf of the teachers and staff at Rains Junior High, I am happy to welcome you to the 2021-2022 school year!
Our goal is to educate students to be responsible and respectful members of society who make positive contributions as a result of the good habits and work ethic they learned at Rains Junior High. We are looking forward to a productive partnership with you to ensure our children can achieve their highest potential.
Our adventure begins with newly developed and innovative classes, clubs, and activities such as Student Leadership, Technology Applications, and Audio/Video Production. We are implementing a carefully crafted structured support system, within the school day, to provide your child the support they need as we guide them along their journey!
We know a strong partnership with you will make a great difference in a child’s education. As partners, we share the responsibility for our children's success and want you to know that we will do our very best to carry out our responsibilities. We ask that you join us for the following events so we can begin working together:
Online enrollment - Now open at www.rainsisd.org. Click: Student Enrollment.
If you need help enrolling your child, assistance will be available August 12th, from 4:00 - 5:00 in the Rains Junior High Cafeteria.
For those that have completed online enrollment, schedules will be available for pickup August 12th at Meet the Teacher and through Skyward on August 2nd.
Please connect with us in the the following ways to stay informed about Rains Junior High new course offerings, clubs, and events:
Join us on our Facebook Page (Rains Junior High)
Campus Website (www.RainsISD.org)
Twitter (@rains_jh)
Remind app (@rjhsparent)
A Day in the Life of a RJHS Student - Parent Orientation.
The wonderful and dedicated Rains Junior High teachers, staff, and I feel privileged to be a part of this school family. We thank you for your support and look forward to meeting with you throughout the year.
Jennifer Melton, Junior High Principal
A Letter From the High School Principal
We are very excited to officially welcome our students and families to the 2021-2022 school year!
Our shared goal is to PURSUE EXCELLENCE; to maximize every student’s potential by providing educational opportunities that are supportive, engaging, and relevant to our students today and in their future pursuits. Rains High School is a learning community that focuses on increased student achievement by maintaining high expectations, modeling integrity and good citizenship, and promoting lifelong learning in a climate of shared responsibility among school, home and community. Today’s world demands students who think critically. RHS is committed to meeting those demands by growing and supporting a very active and diverse Career and Technology Education program; including: agriculture, business, child development, cosmetology, culinary, digital media, graphic design, and health science. We also encourage our students to be creative and expressive by offering many fine arts opportunities; including Art, Band, and Theater. College-bound students have the opportunity to select from a number of advanced, AP, and dual credit options. We have a very strong support structure in place that is designed to meet our students where they’re at, support them along the way, and help them achieve success! Lastly, RHS students can benefit from involvement in a variety of interest-based clubs, including our newest options Texas Association of Future Educators and e-Sports.
We understand that our students benefit the most from a strong parent, school, and community partnership. Our students, in collaboration with community partners, will be recognized as ‘Wildcats of the Month’ this year. Additionally, we will be partnering with parents through various campus events and committee opportunities. Parents are critical contributors to academic success. We will be communicating with our parents weekly, and invite you to reach out with any ideas, questions, or concerns you may have - via our school office, phone, or email.
We know that wherever our students go, they started here - their legacy starts NOW. We feel blessed to be a part of their journey. It’s going to be a great year!
In Wildcat Pride,
Lindsay Morgan, High School Principal